Field desriptions

Below you will find explanations of the most crucial fields. From the search result, you can also click “See all fields” to inspect other possible fields.

Field Multivalued Type Description
author yes string From Author meta-data (typical for word, html, pdf, image etc.)
description no string From description meta-data (word, html, pdf, image etc.)
content_language no string Language of text (recognised by Tika)
content_length no int Content length of the payload from the server
content_text_length no int Content length of the extracted text
content_type_norm no string Content type determined by Tika. Possible values: html,image,pdf,audio,video,word,powerpoint,excel,text,other
crawl_date no date When was then url crawled. Additional similar fields: crawl_year_month_day,crawl_year_month,crawl_year
domain no string Domain of the URL. Example:
host no string Host of the URL, this includes subdomain Example:
id no string The index identifier, unique for each indexed resource.
image_size no long The size of image in pixels. There are also similar fields image_height and image_width
links_images yes string Links of all image tags on a HTML page.
links yes string Links to other pages found in this HTML.
links_norm yes string Same as the links field except values are normalized
public_suffix no string The public suffix of the url: Example: no, org,
resourcename no string Last part of the URL, after ‘/’ with query parameters. E.g. index.html or cats.jpg&size=100
server yes string Value of the Server field in the HTTP header
status_code no int The http status code in the HTTP header. 200=ok, 301=redirect, 403=forbidden
source_file_path no string Full path to the warc-file where the resource is from. The field source_file_offset gives the offset for the resource in that warc-file
source_file no string The filename of the WARC-file without the absolute file path. Is case sensitive
title no string From title meta-data
type no string Almost same content_type_norm. Just more human names and fewer values: Web Page, Image, Other, Document, Audio, Video, Presentation, Data
url no string The exact url seen from the harvest client that created the warc-file
url_norm no string A normalized version of the url field. It is lowercased and https is made into http. Also finds unique representation of varius encodings. Also removes som predefined parameter names such as session-id etc. This field is very important for playback in SolrWayback.
warc_ip no string IP-address of the server. Taken from the metadat field WARC-IP-Address in the warc-header.
warc_key_id yes string The unique identifier (URN) of the resource. Used for persistent referencing.