Data & Scope

For this workshop, we offer a certain set of data from the NWA collection.

Indexed collections

Currently, we have indexed three selected collections to SolrWayback. The indexed data is ≈9TB, which corresponds to 0.45% of the total collection.1

The follow collections have been indexed:

Collection Period Description Number of objects Data size
noall 2019-22 Domain crawls of .no 96 233 797 7.5TB
samisk 2020-22 Sámi websites 1 306 577 68GB
valg2001 2001 Political parties from the 2001 Parliamentary Election 87 782 1.6GB

TIP: To see all resources in a collection, you can search in SolrWayback for collection:{collection_name}. For example, collection:noall will return all resources in the noall collection.

  1. In total, the NWA collection is about 1.8PB.