
Hooks for Input and Output Files

This tool provides the ability to add hooks, which are executable files, that run before and after opening input and output files. This feature allows users to add custom logic and functionality to the file handling process. Hooks can be used to perform any necessary setup or validation before a file is accessed by the tool, or to perform any cleanup or post-processing tasks after a file has been fully read or written to.

Hook Execution

Please note that the executable files used as hooks should be able to run without any user interaction. They should also exit with a status of 0 to indicate success. Any other exit status will be considered as an error by the tool. See details below for the exit codes used by each hook type.

The executable file must either be in the system’s path or have a valid path to it. The program won’t find a file using a path relative to the current directory. To use a program in the current directory, use ‘./program’ or the full path.

Context for hooks is provided through environment variables, which are available to the executable files. See details below for the environment variables available to each hook type.

Hook Types


The OpenInputFileHook is an executable file that runs before an input file is opened. This hook can be used to perform any necessary setup or validation before the file is accessed by the tool. It can also be used to skip the file if it does not meet certain criteria.

To use this hook, specify the path to the executable file using the --open-input-file-hook flag when running the tool.

Environment Variables

  • WARC_COMMAND: Contains the subcommand name.
  • WARC_HOOK_TYPE: Contains the hook type: OpenInputFile.
  • WARC_FILE_NAME: Contains the file name of the input file.

Exit codes

 1: The hook should exit with a status of 1 in case of an error.
10: The hook should exit with a status of 10 to indicate that the file should be skipped.


The CloseInputFileHook is an executable file that runs after an input file has been fully read and has been closed. This hook can be used to perform any cleanup or post-processing tasks.

To use this hook, specify the path to the executable file using the --close-input-file-hook flag when running the tool.

Environment Variables

  • WARC_COMMAND: Contains the subcommand name.
  • WARC_HOOK_TYPE: Contains the hook type: CloseInputFile.
  • WARC_FILE_NAME: Contains the file name of the input file.
  • WARC_ERROR_COUNT: Contains the number of errors found if the file was validated and the validation failed.
  • WARC_HASH: Contains the hash of the input file if it was computed.

Exit codes

 1: The hook should exit with a status of 1 in case of an error.


The OpenOutputFileHook is an executable file that runs before an output file is opened for writing. This hook can be used to perform any necessary setup or validation before the file is accessed by the tool.

To use this hook, specify the path to the executable file using the --open-output-file-hook flag when running the tool.

Environment Variables

  • WARC_COMMAND: Contains the subcommand name.
  • WARC_HOOK_TYPE: Contains the hook type: OpenOutputFile.
  • WARC_FILE_NAME: Contains the file name of the output file.
  • WARC_SRC_FILE_NAME: Contains the file name of the input file from which the output file is being created.

Exit codes

 1: The hook should exit with a status of 1 in case of an error.


The CloseOutputFileHook is an executable file that runs after an output file has been fully written to and has been closed. This hook can be used to perform any cleanup or post-processing tasks.

To use this hook, specify the path to the executable file using the --close-output-file-hook flag when running the tool.

Environment Variables

  • WARC_COMMAND: Contains the subcommand name.
  • WARC_HOOK_TYPE: Contains the hook type: CloseOutputFile.
  • WARC_FILE_NAME: Contains the file name of the output file.
  • WARC_SRC_FILE_NAME: Contains the file name of the input file from which the output file was created.
  • WARC_SIZE: Contains the size of the output file in bytes.
  • WARC_HASH: Contains the hash of the output file if it was computed.
  • WARC_INFO_ID: Contains the ID of the WarcInfo-record in the output file if it exists.
  • WARC_ERROR_COUNT: contains the number of errors found if the file was validated and the validation failed.