The URI canonicalizer is a service which parses a URI, does some normalization and returns a structured object similar to the URL object in browsers. The motivation for having this as a service is to ensure that URIs are parsed and normalized in the same way independently of programming language, configuration and so on.
The canoncalization is (for now) configured in code and tries to not change the URIs semantics. Examples of canoncalization are:
)Only the query parameter names are sorted. This is less likely to alter semantics than also sort values.
The API is implemented as a gRPC service.
The request is the URI a as string.
The respones is a ParsedUri object defined as follows:
message ParsedUri {
// The entire uri
string href = 1;
// The scheme (protocol) part of the uri
string scheme = 2;
// The hostname of the uri
string host = 3;
// The port number of the uri
int32 port = 4;
// The username part of the uri
string username = 5;
// The password part of the uri
string password = 6;
// The path part of the uri
string path = 7;
// The query (search) part of the uri
string query = 8;
// The fragment (hash) part of the uri
string fragment = 9;